
The Buckeyes are a profound football team that always tries their hardest. They always try to come out on top no matter what the cost.

That video represents just some of the amazing acts the Buckeyes have done over the past few years. They have always been the underdogs in football but don't go unnoticed.

If you are thinking about trying out, there are some things you should know.

"We are built on 4 main rules":

Hard Work
If you want to be apart of this team you must show up for
every practice and always put forth all your effort. There is no
slacking here. The only break you get is when you're injured or blowing
Discpline means two things to us. Focus and Determination.
Should you start to decline in either of these aspects, you
will be put on a player suspension or removed from the team. We take pride
in how smart our players are.
If you have a problem, let us know. Communication is key
when it comes to making a successful football team. You
must be vocal both on and off the field if you are to
You must have trust in both your fellow athletes and coaches.
We are a family here. You can come to us about anything and
won't be judged."